

Youth are the future of Africa, and it is essential that effective youth discipleship and empowerment programs are part of our mission strategy.

The Foxfire Team is the youth arm of African Enterprise’s evangelistic and mission activities. Teams are made up of young people, with a passion for evangelism, who give a year of their lives to the service of the Kingdom. The year begins with two months of intensive training before they are released into ministry.

Foxfires then visit schools, youth groups, churches, children’s homes and colleges in and around the cities in which they are based. Using energetic and exciting dance and drama programs to attract and connect with the youth, the Foxfires bring the Gospel message to young people and are able to speak to them as one young person to another.

There are no barriers between them because of age. They also help to identify, train and develop younger leaders by equipping them with various Life Skills. This is done through a range of programs including youth camps, leadership training, and a life skills programs in schools focused on issues such as HIV/Aids, peer pressure, drug abuse, crime, poverty and unemployment which enables them to promote development in their communities and to function effectively in society. The Foxfires also play a vital role in AE city-wide and university missions each year.

Their vibrancy and energy attract large crowds of interested school children and engages them deeply in the Gospel of Jesus. 

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